Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's hot, here's some pictures...

Cam and Fam are doing well, although we are avoiding going outside between the hours of 5am and 12 midnight. Cam is standing upright with Daddy's help and loving it. He's got a big tongue and sticks it out at Mommy alot. We think he learned this from his schoolmate Martin, who is a little older than Cam and has great influence. He loves his cousins and they love to entertain him.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Out of the ?4th? trimester

Sorry its been a while since the last posting. I'm slacking trying to keep up with everything. All is well in the house of Panda and the cub is growing. Here are some pics to prove it! My first Father's day was full of pride, and I get a good feeling when I see other dads with kiddos now. We are very lucky to have WC, and wont take his presence for granted. He's pretty powerful, you know. Anyway here's some pics...