Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Look at all this stuff!

Man, have we got baby stuff! Our tiny baby room is filled to the rim with the gifts from our family and friends. Thank you all so much! It's almost embarrassing, actually. My dad was over and he was amazed at how spoiled a kid could be before birth. He said that he didn't sleep in a bed that nice until he was over 40 years old (after seeing the convertible crib).

After about 3 hours worth of plundering and organizing last night, we can actually walk through the room without stepping on a gift. Now the room is tiny, so the amount and size of the gifts seems magnified, but this kid is going to be set. One of Andrea's co-workers said he wanted to buy stock in our baby! What does that even mean?

I will try and get some pics posted up soon. Until then we've got TWO MORE SHOWERS!

Thanks again to everyone.

P of PandA