Stuff-wise I think we are just about ready. The room is looking good, the closet is filling up, the diaper stack is high, and the dressers and storage is in place.
We had to skip the work shower that my employer was going to throw for us, as we had an unexpected trip to the labor and delivery triage last night. After Andrea's routine sono, Dr. Finke decided that her amniotic fluid levels were a little low and that she needed to stress test the baby. So we went to the hospital and they hooked up the belly monitor and blood pressure monitor for Andy. For like 2.5 hours they monitored the movements and heart rate acceleration of the boy. All seems well and baby is OK, so Andrea is on bed rest while hopefully the fluid count gets a little higher or holds steady. Right now she's at the 7.1 mark, which is at the bottom of the "normal" level of fluid.
Oh, the boy is looking good and they think he's a healthy one. Right now he's at like 6.2lbs. The sono nurse showed us his head, eyes, nose, arms, legs and junk. I have to take her word for whats what, as it's not as clear as the last sono.
I will post pics tonight.