Back to the zoo for birthday number 2!! For his actual birthday, we decided to go back to the zoo to see how his friends were doing. This year he was able to understand it more and call out all the animals we saw. His favorite was the elephant (ewefant). My favorite was the white tiger. I know what some of you are thinking - Yes, I still have a hard time with the idea of "kept" animals, but I never want to be one of those parents that keeps their child from experiencing normal childhood stuff because I have a hang up about it. Besides, they all seem to be very well taken care of!!
We can hardly believe our little guy turned 2 this year! He is such an amazing little man and we are so lucky to have him in our lives. Since he is obsessed with dinosaurs to the point of being able to tell you the name of ANY dinosaur you show him, he of course requested a dinosaur themed birthday party. Mommy spent the night before decorating and cleaning, but it was totally worth it to see how excited he was when he saw it all. He walked around pointing out every one saying, "look...triceratops!". What an angel! We kept it small and only had a few friends and both sides of the family come. He had a big time hanging with his crew, hunting for "dino eggs" and painting the art project Paul designed.

Paul took Cam to the cake place to pick out what he wanted. He chose the cake and icing flavors and asked for a triceratops and t-rex to be on top. He was super happy with the results.

He actually stayed very clean this year.

Cam and Jack playing with his new dinos from Carson.

Carson, Senia, Cam, Mallorie, Mazzy and Jack.

Troy Boy! Cam got a Webkins Triceratops from Aunt Audie, Uncle Chris, Senia and Mallorie. We named it Troy and he cannot go to sleep without it. I should probably get him a backup one in case anything happens to it!

Big boy bed!! He was so thrilled to convert his crib to the big boy bed that he partied in it most of the afternoon.
Our friend Lucie returned from Colorado with her daughter Aneshka. Paul and Cam watched her for a couple of weeks while Lucie was at work. Now he can’t stop asking to see his ‘sweetie’ Neshie! He really was great with her when he wasn’t freaking out over her touching his toys. He called her sweetie and brought her things he thought she would like. What a flirt!

Moving in to kiss his sweetie :)

"Hey, whatcha got there?"

"Oh, no! It's not Cameron's!" This is his favorite phrase whenever anyone wants to play with his toys. In this case, I think she was just strolling by. We are still working on sharing...

"Oh, you were just going over there? That's cool...I'm cool...what?"