Fall was good to us - with the exception of mommy missing the first two days of work at her new job due to strep! Yes, you heard right, I finally got a new job. After many months of being told I was getting laid off, I landed a new position just two weeks shy of my last day. Talk about cutting it close! It is a great job though, and we are all much happier now! To celebrate, I went to Seattle to see my friend Brandi all by myself! We went to the ballet and explored the city. It was a lot of fun, but I forgot the camera, so there aren't any pics to share...oops. Instead, check out the kids...

Mallorie, Cameron and Senia at Grandma and Grandpa's for Halloween. We had fun trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.

Mommy even got a little festive...

~~it's the - cat in the hat -
the cat in the hat knows a lot about that~~
Cam was/is totally obsessed with the cat in the hat -
books, shows, you name it!

Cam at the park at Aneshka's house.
By the time we left he could already climb the arch!

Aneshka and Cameron on their way to the park.
He calls her his "girlie friend". Aren't they adorable!