Saturday, November 22, 2008


Get used to hearing that from me as on Monday of last week I have experienced SUDDEN and TOTAL HEARING LOSS in my left ear.

I believe it was from an incident at the dentist office that morning. I was in the chair with my head below my feet with two sets of hands in my mouth, nitrous, a water sprayer and suction device, a drill, mirror, jaw clamp and a spacer to keep my mouth from closing anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes. Choking, gagging, restrained by the Dr. and his assistant, straining to talk or relax, neither of which could I do. 30 minutes later: High pitch squeal in left ear, 100% hearing loos, vertigo, nausea, vomit. Awesome.

Went to an ENT Wednesday and got the bad news confirmed. Back to follow up to see if there is any improvement on Dec. 2. Doc says it could be damage from the straining or could be a case of sh!t happens.


As of Nov.22 I'm not dizzy, naseaus or vomiting anymore, but there is no improvement in my hearing. Apparently sudden hearing loss is pretty tricky and the outlook is grim. I just want the tinnitus to stop. wll keep you updated. Wish me luck and say a prayer!


Some Pics of Cambo...

Getting ready for daycare this Friday.

Digging around for toys.

Appointed prince by the girls.

Grandma approves.

Green beans, huh?

I don't think so.


Starting early. He loves the guitars.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Cam Robs Cradle...

Andrea's friend Lucie from Siemens came over for dinner with her 6 week old baby girl, Aneshka. Aneshka's dad is serving in Iraq, so we will have to wait to meet him. Cam and Aneshka are the victims of an arranged marriage by thier mommys! Cam will be required to speak Czech, too! He snuck a touch in last night, but Lucie says hands off for another 18 years.

In an unrelated dinner date, Cam ate oatmeal at Grandma and Grandpa Powers'.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Cambo's Halloween...

Cam had a good time trick or treating out in Garland with his cousins and grandparents this year. Cam was a punk rocker. Not one of those Sid Vicious wanna-be over the top punks, but more like a Joe Strummer of The Clash kind of punker. He donated his candy to Daddy.