We traveled to the UP again this year to visit with Chico, Sue, and the Yooper crew. Cameron didn't like being locked into a 5 point harness for 12 hours a day in the FJ. Go figure. He did better than we expected, though, so he gets high marks. Unfortunately, Andrea threw her back out just days before the trip, so her ride was just as troubled as Cams. All of this made my driving very easy (Seriously, it wasn't that bad).

Cam and I doing our best Who impression tearing up the hotel room in St. Louis.

Here's Mommy and the boy the first day at the beach. The first week we were there the beach was cold, so visits were brief and a bit blustery.

Visiting out at the family "camp". This is a private camp on the beach of Superior owned by Andrea's dad's family.

On the beach at camp.

At the playground on
Presque Isle.

Yeah, I think he likes being on vacation.

Jilbert's is the local dairy up there and it's tradition to get some ice cream at the big Moo Moo. Back to front: Uncle Chris and Aunt Audria, Grandma, cousins Senia and Mallorie, Cam and Grandpa.

Visiting with Great Grandma Julia Powers.

Cameron's favorite activity. Throwing. Anything. Here he throws wood chips at the playground at the lower harbor.

Another cloudy day at the beach. Grandpa's house is about a minute away walking, so trips to the public beach are frequent.

A lot of cool rides in Marquette. This pic courtesy of Marquette man Walt Anderson. Unfortunately, this will not be Cam's first ride.

Just winding down for bed.

Daddy, Ron and Henry talking off roading.

Mommy thought Cam might like a trip to the cove. She was right. Last year we were in town when school was in and this place was crawling with teenagers scaling the cliffs and diving off.

The day before we left we went on a hike and then to a beach off the trail. It was finally hot (85) and the water was 60 degrees, so we all got in. So cold.
OK, now I've got to account for my off roading adventures and do some video editing for Grandpa. Thanks for looking!