Sunday, February 17, 2008

And away we go!

I am starting this blog because I thought it might be a good way for family and friends to know what's going on in our very busy lives. Not sure of where to start, but this weekend seems to make sense, so...

Andrea and I attended our friend Rob's birthday party at Dave and Busters in Dallas. D and B's is a restaurant/game room that used to cater to adults, but as we found out Saturday night, the kids are welcome all night long. The best scene of the evening was a mom holding her three year old in her arms while they fired their guns into video screens with attacking crack heads and other various perps. Touching, I know. Good times were had and our friend Scott dominated the "Need For Speed" driving game without putting down his beer. Impressive and scary. Kudos to Andy for staying out so late and showing the boy how to party!

Today we woke up early and dragged ourselves to a childbirth class that started at 9:00am and went until 3:30. Phew, that was tough! I will spare you the details of the videos, as I'm sure most have seen them. We really were not scared or nervous until today! Thanks, Arlington Memorial! Walking the halls of AMH was bitter sweet for me, as this is the hospital mom was at when she passed in September of '07. I thought of her often in the class and of the jokes I would tell her, and of the questions I would have asked. I was born at AMH, too. Lot's of history and plenty of future to be had there.

This weekend I also learned of my Uncle Jimmy's (Sharon Reid's brother-in-law) unfortunate bout with double pneumonia. He has been hospitalized for a few days and they are in a holding pattern until his pneumonia heals, then they have to perform triple bypass. Please keep Jimmy and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

OK, I won't go on any longer with this entry as the Knight Rider preview is airing soon!
Until next time...

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