Monday, June 2, 2008

Crazy Weekend...

Man, what a roller coaster week. We had to put Andrea's beloved cat and "first child" to sleep on Friday due to kidney issues. He had been in bad health for about 2 months and has not been the same kitty. I must say I've never known a cooler, happier cat than Macavity. He had abundant attitude and spawned 100 nicknames. He will truly be missed.

RIP Macavity :: 1991 - 2008

Today is Cam's first day at day care, and Andy's first day back to work, so emotions are running high. We like the day care employees and are positive all will be fine.

Cam is starting to smile every day and really coo. We are working on a way to bottle up the great emotion we get from it and take it with us to work, but will likely just settle for photos like everyone else does.

Have a great week.


  1. Hey guys! Just got back in the swing of things from vacation and doing the "catch up" thing. He is absolutely a doll! Are you jealous he has more hair than you!? J/K. Tell Andrea I'm sorry about her cat-I know how much that stinks. You guys seem like you're doing great. Take care!
    love to you both,


  2. It's always hard to make such a hard decision with animals. :( So sorry! Cameron is so cute and looks a lot bigger since the last pictures I saw of him---and he smiles now!?
