OK, so I don't want to call it a vacation. Let's call it a trip because vacations aren't supposed to be that much work! We took a trip to Upper MI with Cam and Sadie to see Andrea's parents, Cam's Great Grandmother Julia, and our friends.

Cam and I at Presque Island hiking a bit with Mommy and the grandparents. Cam got to see a deer. Score!

Mine and Henry Powers' (Andrea's Dad) FJs atop Gobbler's Knob in Marquette county. The super yooper Kenneth Liubakka was Henry's copilot and the indescribable Ron "the Coyote" Ryoti was with me.

Sadie always enjoys. I wish I had a waterfall in my backyard!

Here's a video of Cam at the beach with children surrounding him in a makeshift shanty. Weird. I'm just learning the editing software, so better quality will hopefully follow. In the meantime...
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